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Support Groups

all are welcome

GriefRelief  Support Group:


WHAT:  GriefRelief  is an ongoing seminar designed to help you navigate the challenges of grief. Each meeting includes a slide presentation on key aspects of grief, followed by discussion and Q&A. 


WHEN: Third Thursday of each month, 6:00 - 7:30pm (open enrollment) 


WHO:  Anyone who has lost a loved one and is seeking help in dealing with their grief.


WHERE:  From anywhere via Zoom


HOW:  Prior to each meeting, I will email those who are interested in attending with a link to join the Zoom meeting. At the time for the meeting, simply click the link.


MORE: Participants will be invited to join a private FaceBook group named “GriefRelief with Dr. Jana Rentzel.”  This will provide a place for GriefRelief seminar attendees to share their thoughts, experience, and questions between meetings. Dr. Jana will also use this private space to share handouts with participants following each meeting, as well as other resources. 


RSVP:   Get on the list!  Send your name and email address to:


Surviving Estrangement Support Group:


WHAT:   Surviving Estrangement is an ongoing monthly seminar designed to help you navigate the challenges being estranged from a family member. Each meeting includes a slide presentation on key aspects of estrangement, followed by discussion and Q&A. 


WHEN:   Second Monday of each month, 6:00 - 7:00pm (open enrollment) 


WHO: Anyone who is experiencing an estranged relationship with a family member.


WHERE:  From anywhere via Zoom


HOW:  Prior to each meeting, I will email those who are interested in attending with a link to register for the meeting. Upon registration, you will receive a link to the Zoom meeting. At the time for the meeting, simply click the link.


MORE: Participants will be invited to join a private FaceBook group named “Surviving Estrangement with Dr. Jana Rentzel.”  This will provide a place for seminar attendees to share their thoughts, experience, and questions between meetings.  Dr. Jana will also use this private space to share handouts with participants following each meeting, as well as other resources. 


RSVP:   Get on the list!  Send your name and email address to:


Dallas, Texas


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